Lee, Dong Ki
Principal Researcher
Clean Energy Research Center
Korea Institute of Science & Technology (KIST)
Adjunct Professor
Yonsei-KIST Convergence Research Institute
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Yonsei University
Renewable Energy Course
Graduate School of Energy and Environment (KU-KIST green school)
Korea University
Energy and Environmental Technology Division
UST-KIST school
University of Science and Technology (UST)
dnklee at kist.re.kr
● Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, 2015
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea
Thesis: Development of visible light-sensitizing TiO2 photocatalysts with hydrogen and nitrogen mixed energy states for solar energy conversion
● M.S. Materials Science and Engineering, 2011
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea
Thesis: Graphite-like carbon branched TiO2 nanotube photocatalyst: fabrication and analysis
● B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, 2009
Korea University, Seoul, Korea
● Principal Researcher, 2018.11 – Present
Clean Energy Research Center
Korea Institute of Science & Technology (KIST), Seoul, Korea
● Postdoctoral Researcher, 2015.12 – 2018.09
Department of Chemistry
University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA
Honors and Awards
2024 KIST Person of the Year
2023 Nano Research Innovation Award
Minster Award of Science and ICT, NANO KOREA 2023
2023 KIST Person of the Month (March)
2023 KIST Young Fellow
2017 The Annual Wale Award (the best technical paper)
The 62nd Annual American Scientific Glassblowers Society Symposium & Exposition
Entry: A Photoelectrochemical Water-Splitting Cell. Fusion 2017 Nov. (cover article)
2009 Participation Prize
3rd Korea Security Technology Paper Award
Korea Minting, Security Printing & ID Card Operating Corp.
Entry: High security technology using multi-functional core/shell nanoparticle
2008 Academic Excellence Prize, Korea University
2007 Silver Prize
3rd Undergraduate Student Chemical Engineering Creative Design Competition
2007 Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers Fall Meeting
Entry: Potable solar energy recharger