Gi Soon Park
gisoon91 at kist.re.kr
Education and career
CIGS solar cells
Research theme
Hyunwook Kim
Education and career
2023 Post-doc., Chemical & Biological Engineering, Korea University
2023 Ph.D., Chemical & Biological Engineering, Korea University
2017 B.S., Chemical & Biological Engineering, Korea University
Research theme
Hoeun Seong
hseong at kist.re.kr
Education and career
Postdoc. Chem, Yonsei Univ. 2023.03 - 2023.07
PhD. Chem, Yonsei Univ. 2023
BS. Chem, Yonsei Univ. 2017
Electrochemical biomass conversion into adipic acid
Research theme
Wang Jialu
wjl0709 at kist.re.kr
Education and career
Ph.D. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China 2022
BS. Department of Metallic Materials Engineering, Hefei Univerisity of Technology 2017
Electrocatalysts for biomass deriving chemicals conversions
Research theme
Min Gwan Ha
jojaryoo at kist.re.kr
Education and career
Ph.D Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University 2022
BS. Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University 2014
Electrocatalysts for OER and CO2RR
Research theme
Cheulwoo Oh
posd9306 at kist
Education and career
Ph.D Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei Univ 2022
Electrocatalysts for CO2RR
Research theme

Wonsuk Chung
wschung02 at kist.re.kr
Education and career
Ph.D. in Chemical & Biological Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea (Spring 2023) Thesis : Identification of sustainable carbon capture and utilization pathways using superstructure approach
Carbon capture and utilization (CCU), Optimization, Sustainability assessment
Research theme

Damdae Park
damdaepark at kist.re.kr
Education and career
Ph.D. in Chemical & Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Aug 2021) Thesis : Probabilistic Machine Learning Approach to Process Systems Engineering through Parametric Distribution Approximation
Electrochemical carbon capture and utilization
Research theme

Mi-Young Lee
mylee89 at kist.re.kr
Education and career
Postdoc. molecular catalysis, Max Plank Institute CEC 2020-2022
Postdoc. applied science research institute, KAIST 2020-2020
PhD. Civil Environ Eng, KAIST 2020
MS. Environ Eng, GIST 2014
BS. Agricultural Chem and Chem (dual), Chungnam Nat'l Univ 2012
Electrochemical valorization of CO2 and/or organic substrates
Research theme

Tapas Kumar Das
tapasd at kist.re.kr
Education and career
CSIR Research Associate, CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar, Inida 2020-2022
Research Associate, UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai, India 2019-2020
PhD. Chem, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India 2019
MS. Chem, Univ. of Calcutta, Inida 2013
Electochemical biomass conversion into adipic acid
Research theme

Manho Han
Education and career
PhD Chemical Engineering, Korea University
Electrochemical CO2 conversion
Research theme

Youngjin Koh
Education and career
PhD Yonsei University
Electrochemical CO2 conversion